A well of resources to help you
Worship Well
Worship should be refreshing.
Jesus offers life-giving water to everyone who needs it. And that’s our hope for worship, too, right? To offer people an oasis of love and belonging in what can seem like an endless desert of isolation and struggle.
But as worship and ministry leaders, we sometimes need to be refreshed ourselves … to sit in the shade with creative colleagues and drink in some new ideas or inspiration.
At WorshipWell we want to wash away some of the stress that goes into planning your Sunday mornings. To that end, we’ve written prayers and responsive readings, preacher’s notes and children’s sermon ideas. We’ve gathered artwork and music to spark your worship planning. Follow our order of worship exactly as it is, or just sprinkle drops of it into your worship experience. Use these resources however you’d like, and worship well!

Draw from the well.
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