Turning through Lent

Poring over the Lenten texts from John’s Gospel, we can be dizzied by all of the turning: God turning toward humanity’s pain as Jesus weeps at raw and unbearable grief; Jesus turning the stench of Lazarus’ death into something confusingly hopeful; Jesus turning into a servant, stooping to wash feet, turning clear water brown with the disciples gathered dust, turning them toward loving and serving their neighbor.

Then humanity’s turning away: Peter turning his back on his best friend; Pilate turning and twisting the truth for political gain; the fickle and riled up crowds turning from “hosanna” to “crucify.’’ Then the turning of the earth as grave becomes garden, death turns to life, mourning to dancing.

John’s Gospel invites us into a season of intentional turning. Our hearts turn with compassion for those who grieve. Our lives turn toward our neighbor in acts of solidarity and service. Our eyes turn toward the cross and we see Jesus turning the world upside down with love.

We offer this worship series, complete with commentary, liturgy, artwork, prayers, music, and our hope that it will lighten your load and give a faithful and memorable framework to the Lenten journey as you faithfully lead God’s people in worship.


Grounding Poem