Wonder (4/27)

This devotion was shipped to subscribers yesterday, Wednesday, April 27th.

Wisdom begins in wonder.

Experiencing and expressing wonder requires us to be vulnerable. When we harden ourselves to the world and its wonders we’re seeking a sealed-off kind of safety–almost the definition of cold comfort. As the season of the rolled-away-stone, Easter’s fifty days can also be a time-space for us to practice lowering our defenses and patiently unstacking the been-there-done-that bricks we’ve piled to protect us from the possibility of pain and disappointment. Come out, friends. Behold the reality of resurrection as it touches and troubles everything around us. Behold the reality of resurrection as it changes stone hearts to flesh.   

The ongoing and unfolding consequences of a Jesus whom death could not hold continue to startle the jaded, surprise the cynical, and work wonders within the weary. May it do so wherever you are today. 

You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, who has dealt wondrously with you. And my people shall never again be put to shame.
-Joel 2.26



